Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vivi Lost her Pipes

 Vivi Making an Oxygen Mask Look Glam

 Rocking Scrubs in the ICU

 Dad Making Scrubs Look Even Better

 Aaron and Kelly Enjoying a Surprise Canine Visitor! 

Hi Everyone,

I apologize for the delay in my post-operative update. Things have been changing by the day, so I wanted to be sure I was giving full information before I sent out a proper update on my mother's status. At the very least, I am happy I was able to let you all know that she made it out of surgery alright.

Now I am happy to report that Vivi is recovery beautifully from, what turned out to be, a rather extensive surgery. As I told you before the surgery, we knew that Vivi had multiple intestinal blockages that were likely caused by growing tumors, however, we were also aware that we wouldn't really know the full scope of the situation until the surgeons opened her up. 

As mentioned above, the surgery turned out to be quite a bit more extensive than anyone had expected. This was due to the presence of excess scar tissue - both from her previous surgery and  extensive chemotherapy - as well as the fact that Vivi's cancer has, in fact, spread quite a bit around her entire abdominal area. These were the two culprits causing the blockages in Vivi's intestinal track. Due to the placement and nature of Vivi's blockages, the surgeons had to remove a significant amount of Vivi's colon and small bowel. While this may sound daunting there are two really positive take-aways from this:

1. They were able to perform the surgery in the first place. Many people in this condition are deemed inoperable - an outcome which would have not been very hopeful. However, we are lucky to have one of the best surgeons in the country, and Vivi's operation, although long and extensive, was a success!

2. The entire point of the surgery was to clear Vivi's intestinal blockages so that she could start eating again. When that much bowel is removed, there is always a risk that the patient will not have enough intestinal track left to actually absorb food. However (MORE GOOD NEWS), Vivi has plenty of plumbing left over and is already back on soft solids and holding them down well! Vivi will now need to be on a highly modified diet, but we are increasing her food intake by the day...and so far, so good!!

Unfortunately, due to the nature of my mother's cancer and the way in which it has spread, most of the metastasis was inoperable and will need to be addressed with further treatment. However, for right now, we are focusing on the tasks at hand - helping Vivi continue her nothing-short-of-miraculous recovery from the surgery, and making sure she continues to eat! From there, we will discuss what the next steps are in terms of her continuing treatment.

This has certainly been a long road - as we are heading into our third week here at the hospital - and have, what seems to be, quite a long road ahead. However, more immediately, if Vivi continues her speedy recovery - it looks likely that she will be able to go home on Friday!

Until then, we are finally back up on the cushy 19th floor in room 1928 - after spending a good portion of the last week in the ICU, followed by the SACU (Surgical Acute Care Unit). So I apologize I was not able to offer a room number until now, but they kept moving us around!

There are, per usual, many entertaining stories to tell from the last week or so, but I will need to leave that for another time. For now, I know that everyone was anxious to know how Vivi has been doing and wanted to make sure I offered an update. I promise to provide more color once we are a bit more settled.

Additionally, per usual, the outpouring of love, thoughts, wishes, and prayers has been nothing short of overwhelming. Even during our most trying of moments during this process, my mother and our entire family remain nothing but grateful for all of you and your incredible support. We are so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such truly amazing friends and family.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me with further questions or concerns.

I'll be in touch soon (and do promise to include some more entertainment in my next post)!

All my love and gratitude and Happy October!
